Nobody wants to deal with a leaking toilet, but when it happens, a quick and effective response is crucial. While you may be tempted to tackle the issue on your own, calling a water restoration company is the wisest choice to ensure a comprehensive solution. Here’s a step-by-step guide to managing a leaking toilet and why the professionals should be your next call.

1. Turn off the Water Supply:
Locate the shut-off valve near the base of your toilet and turn it clockwise. This stops the water flow and minimizes the potential for additional leaks.

2. Identify the Source of the Leak:
Carefully inspect your toilet for visible cracks, loose connections, or any signs of water pooling. Diagnosing the problem accurately is the key to effective resolution.

3. Mitigate Further Damage:
Place towels or absorbent materials around the affected area to soak up any standing water. This temporary measure helps prevent water from spreading to other parts of your home.

4. Call a Water Restoration Company:
Now, here’s the crucial step. Pick up the phone and call a reputable water restoration company. Why? Because professionals bring expertise, specialized equipment, and a systematic approach to address not just the visible damage but also potential hidden issues.

5. Expert Assessment:
Water restoration experts arrive promptly to assess the extent of the damage. Their trained eyes can identify issues that might be overlooked by the untrained homeowner, ensuring a comprehensive solution.

6. Efficient Water Extraction:
Professionals use advanced equipment to extract water efficiently. Their tools are designed to reach hidden pockets of moisture that might lead to long-term problems if left untreated.

7. Thorough Drying Process:
Drying is a critical step to prevent mold growth and further damage. Restoration companies use industrial-grade dehumidifiers and air movers to ensure thorough drying of affected areas.

8. Mold Remediation:
Water damage often paves the way for mold growth. Restoration experts not only remove existing mold but also implement preventive measures to stop it from returning.

9. Structural Restoration:
Leaking water can compromise the structural integrity of your home. Restoration professionals assess and repair structural damage, ensuring your home is safe and sound.

10. Insurance Assistance:
Dealing with insurance claims can be overwhelming. Water restoration companies often have experience working with insurers, assisting you in documenting the damage and facilitating the claims process.
In the face of a leaking toilet, a water restoration company is your best ally. Their expertise goes beyond a quick fix, ensuring a thorough and long-lasting solution to protect your home. Don’t hesitate—make that call and let the professionals handle the rest. Your home deserves the best care, especially when it comes to water damage.